This post is a little later than i intended but never mind, we had a guest lecture last week and it was given my Laura Pannack. Laura graduated from Brighton university's BA Hons Editorial photography course in 2008, and has now moved to London were she is freelancing and doing commissions, whilst carrying out her own personal work. Since leaving university her work has won and been shortlisted for a total of 15 awards. In such a short amount to time she has had amazing success and been published world wide.
It was a really interesting and very inspirational to hear from someone of a similar age and not that much further along her journey than we are. Her work really stuck a cord with me as she manages to get that something extra from her subjects which helps you to connect with them. She seems to be an out going person who although is at the beginning of her career has already gain a lot of respect within the industry and isn't afraid to go after what she wants. Work experience is looming which worrying me a little as i already don't have enough hours in the day and i still need to research more about where Im going to go! However i have emailed laura as i think i could really learn from her. Image from http://www.laurapannack.com/.