Thursday, 15 April 2010

I have had quite a successful week this week. Have had a couple of positive responses to work placement and am feeling a little bit happier about the whole situation. Having been in contact with Kitty Gale she suggested that I look at the work of Nicole Heiniger. This was because two week previously I had written about Karin Berndl and Nicole is her main assistant, but is starting to branch away and do her own work. Having looked at her site I really liked her work and think I could really learn from her given the opportunity and her assisting experience. The work that I have decided to include in this post is from her website and under the story category. Her fashion styled work is really interesting and the image I have included particularly caught my aye because of the layering and unusual focusing. Images from

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

This week I have decided to include my front cover image for the Gaia project. I found it difficult to get motivated at the start of the project but I am fairly happy with the final out come. I think the front cover is quite successful but could still be improved. Im not totally happy with the double page spread which is why I haven't included it. during the project my photoshop skills improved dramatically and I am really pleased with how the globe had come out, I was worried about making it in photoshop but the finished image has the look that I was after. I think it really helped having the model hold a ball as it gave me something to map to.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

This week I have decided to include a photographer who's work I have followed for a few years now. Her name is Karin Berndl she is an Austrian photographer who graduated from Vienna's photography college. Her work focuses on precision, lighting and a fantasy aesthetic. With the unusual perspectives and the creative use of colour, sets and lighting it is no surprise that her final images look like they come from a fairy tale world. She was also awarded the Photographer of the Year award at the Association of Photographers 2009 ceremony. I have always found her work eye catching and enjoyed looking at it, the scenes that she creates and the dynamics within her work keep me constantly interested and inspired.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Both projects are in now which is a big relief. We have had a two day critique for the CAP project yesterday and today which i have really enjoyed. Its been so nice to see everyones work as we have all been quite separate during this project it was good to all come together. Overall my own project had really developed and changed along the way. I started by thinking i would base my own around the story of Alice in Wonderland but in the end I chose to use fashion from the era the book was first published, Victorian. I wanted to create images that had a painterly look to them to researched victorian portraits and painting. Overall I am really pleased with the series. All 8 images work well together and your eye flows from one image to another. I have included four of the images in this post as I thought including all 8 would be a bit to much!! From where I started I think that the project developed for the better. I chose to use the Victorian clothes and photograph the models in contemporary poses.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Pretty stressed at the moment deadlines looming! but here goes a welcome break from it were I can talk about something inspirational. I was looking on the Aop website today and i came across a photographers work that really stood out to me. The photographer is Tiffany Mumford. Her work is includes a variety of areas, fashion, beauty, lingerie and portraits. Her work is beautiful and she has a very diverse style within her work keeps her work interesting. She shows great sensitivity to her subjects which really adds something to her images. I have picked a number of her images to post as i couldn't choose just one. I realy like the scenes she creates within her work and the lighting that she uses. All images are from

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

This week I am feeling pretty stressed out having the "to much to do and not enough time to do it" freak out but I feel like i am starting to make progress. I had a successful shoot in the studio for my CAP unit and think i have some final images from which does wonders for motivation! I have set myself a target of emailing people today about work experience as its looming and yet another thing for me to worry about so hoping that i will get some positive responses soon. Anyway this week i have decided to include an image by Chris Craymer as my image of the week. I recently bought his Romance book on the trip to new york and over the past few weeks haven't been able to stop looking at it. Its a vast project consisting of hundreds of images both colour and black and white. Craymer is a prolific photographer who is represented in London, New York and Paris and works for a variety of editorial clients such as American, British, Indian and Korean Vogue, British, French and American Glamour as well as many more. He has achieved great success with his commercial and editorial work and still creates his own personal projects.
'Romance' is a celebration of love. The couples used some of them models some of them not are all together, real couples in varying stages of their relationships. Chris captures the random details that add truth to the project.
'It's all about trust, I wait for something to happen and I never doubt that it will- however long it takes' Chris Craymer.
Romance is about moments which i think although they are in someway constructed he captures brilliantly. He lets the subject become so involved in each other that the camera is side lined and they almost forget that it is there. The set of the images is formal bu he allows room for flexibility. He creates the frame but leaves room for freedom. Both images are from

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Ok so this week i and going to talk about a Viktor and Rolf collection that i saw recently in Dazed and confused. I referenced it during my cap unit. I was looking at fairy tale images but was struggling on a way to make it different. The brief for the project is 'classic' and i thought that this collection really illustrated a contemporary twist on the classic evening gown. The gowns are elegant and architectural and immediately grab the viewers attention and look beautiful on the cat walk and in studio portraits. Since looking at these images my project has developed and i have moved away from the fairy tale theme and am using victorian clothing and photographing it in a painterly style but trying to incorporate a modern edge. The image is from